aikz... yesterday.. during break time in halo... went to eat chicken noodle.. =p
at night.. sean's birthday... at wong kok... got "free nai cha".. =p drink some more.. =p haha... althought without ice but still cold... shit la... some more eat cake... =p
>> cannot sing well
>> cannot eat chicken
>> cannot drink tea
>> cannot eat egg
alamak... i think i did everything by yesterday la.. sei lo.. din eat egg... but cake got egg ma... =p haha...
today cough getting worse... more and more serious... "gao meng ar"...
Monday, March 31, 2008
COUGH!! >.< getting more serious.. >.<
Posted by
1:21 AM
Sunday, March 30, 2008
最近的心情... ^^
好久都没有写部落格了... =p 最近都很少上网.. 因为还蛮忙的...
就在27/3, 有accounts考试... 所以在26晚上就要念书...
28号有linear algebra考试,27晚上也要念书... :X hmm... 29号要参加astro... 天不做美... 我真的是咳嗽咳得很厉害... x.x 还好还能发音... 不过唱唱一下就会沙哑... 唉!!
29号,早上6点起床... 8点就到park royal去比赛... hmm.. 有很多人... 还算蛮幸运,因为我是很前面就到我了... 就不多说吧!!就很明显没进啊!!哈哈哈!!算了吧!!下午4点还要到海螺去上第一堂<非常歌手训练班>!很期待...
第一堂课只是”粉末登场“.. 每个人都到前面去自我介绍... 里面的所有人都是很会唱,都很棒的人... 又很开心认识一班那么热爱音乐的朋友... 大家一起互相交流... 也很开心...
每个星期六和日都要练习各5个小时... 星期日刚好碰到魔棋的合唱团... 我要求换到早上的那一班... 但是已经满了,所以没办法,能一天早上,一天晚上,可以认识更多人!!真的很开心...
我哥kk告诉我为了梦想有时要放弃一些事,可是我只能说我是不会离开魔棋的,就是因为有太多美好的回忆了... 我到非常歌手训练班,我当然也想当歌手,只是,我比较希望抱着学习的态度去学习.. 无论有没有机会去当歌手... 我也想学习一些东西.. ^^ 如果有机会当歌手,我再来想... 在海螺看到那么多位高手,我觉得我更应该充实我自己...
今天30号,光良的经理人”刘雪萍“老师来告诉我们做艺人该拥有的态度... 我觉得她说得很有道理... 我现在是时候找回我的信心... 最近几年,我的自信心一直往下跌!! 可能以前中学,觉得自己很棒... 出到来音乐学院,才发现我其实只是一个很平凡的人... 海螺里的很多位学生,都是自己自修钢琴和吉它,我真的很羡慕... 我学了钢琴那么久,我可以说我只会classical的乐曲... 而且好的人也比我多... 我真的很佩服他们拥有一份热爱音乐的心... ^^ 我在训练班里面不太起眼,我不太敢说话,所以认识人可能还要时间,不过我相信我可以和他们相处得很好... 我发现每个人都是很棒的... ^^ 有句话真的说得对“爱音乐的孩子不坏”,我非常赞同!! ^^
至于魔棋,它是第一个学院让我敢在大家的面前唱和跳... 它让我敢在大家面前演出,让我有更多舞台经验... 这些都是难得的,所以我是不可能离开的... 魔棋认识的人可能会比海螺少... 但他们是我最真心的朋友.. 我很开心和他们相处的时间... 它也启发了我的信心,给了我很多机会... ^^ 我参加海螺第一次audition时,又唱又跳.. 竟然让评审称赞我的台风很好.. ^^ 我真的很开心... ^^
音乐永远都是我第一的梦想... 我一直会很努力的学习...
hmm... 最近魔棋也举办了一个创作比赛... ^^ 我打算参加... ^^ 很久没有参加创作了... 只参加过一次... 希望我能做好啦.. 今天30号... 和elliot在魔棋里玩创作... ^^ 帮他弹伴奏... 让他有灵感... 其实也是很开心的一件事!! ^^ 希望我也能编曲啦!!不过,我还有很多东西要学啦!! =p
音乐先暂停,写一写我的学业... 我可能在9月或11月要考actuarial science的第一张paper... 我有点怕... 因为考一张是很贵的... 而且,天才都有可能不过关... 何况是我... x.x 好啦... 要有信心嘛!! =p 就希望自己能做到咯!! 加油吧!! ^^
最近,我的背后会痛!!我爸妈都觉得我右边的背后特别出... 要带我去看医生... 约了在1/4愚人节当天... 其实我发现我的背后有问题已经很久了... 有接近3年了... 可能很怕接受事实吧!! =p 我很害怕... 海螺的训练班有舞蹈课.. 如果我真的有事,我动手术的话,我可能有一段时间不能跳舞... 我知道不要为了一时的东西而把背后弄得更严重... 因为我还是能跳回舞的... 但是,我在这个训练班,我不能跳舞,我真的很伤心... :-( 我有心里准备我可能要动手术,只是我希望不会很严重,可以再拖... 我答应一定会把背后弄好的... ^^
30号也是我们魔棋和海螺的gary曹格的生日, =p 哈哈哈... 就是sean啦!!生日快乐哦!!今天魔棋和海螺的朋友都有帮他庆祝哦!!海螺也有另外一位曹格生日... =p 就是唱得很像曹格的一位学生... 一个长得像,一个唱得像... 简直就是2个曹格... 哈哈哈!!sean.. 还没买生日礼物.. =p 先欠着... 只是给了个小惊喜... =p 哈哈哈... 祝你所有的事都心想事成哦!! ^^
和sean合作过2次吧!!我们出了名唱<心动心痛>的... 哈哈哈.... =p 接下来5/4也要合作唱回同一首歌... =p 我们被<飞跃青春>写成很有”默契“啊!!!哈哈哈!! 很好笑啦!! 如果有看3月28发行的那本不懂第几期... jj做封面的... 写的那位男女合唱就是我们啦!!哇哈哈!! =p
今天chester竟然说我瘦了... =p 哈哈哈... =p 说我有点像model... hahahaha... 我要飞了啦!! =p 努力来的.. =p 牺牲了很多.. =p 巧克力... 就是我最牺牲的... :( 没有model的身材啦.. =p 我没有那么高.. 哈哈哈.. 也没有24寸腰.. =p
好啦,写了一大堆东西... 就写到这里吧!! 我有一”股“感觉,我相信我能实现我的梦想... ^^ 很开心也得到我家人的支持... ^^ 我现在希望我的病赶快好吧!!还有希望我能实现 梦想吧!! ^^
Posted by
8:12 AM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
just because of mass com... >.<
have nothing to do now... is about 5.45p.m now and i promise to go to mainstream... but i just receive a call from sean and say that he forgot to bring his dvd.. =p so nothing to do if i go so early... haha... nothing to so update my blog... =p
on the 21st of march... at night around 9.30p.m, have to go macd to complete the mass com project due on 25th of march...
i think around 10.30.. me and lester follow ruey's car to capture the sony ericson billboard that found by ruey.. (hehe.. thank u so much... =p)
ok.. the board is somewhere near kelana jaya... but is beside the mainroad... how are we going to take... ok.. lets see what i capture...
oops.. delete all the picture when i took in the car... cause all so blur... (cant really get it cause the car is moving... plus is raining.. ish... gan cheong la.. =p) so ruey stop opposite the road.. and this is what i get...
after that... ruey have to u turn so that we can take the pic clearer... but.. no place to stop la!!!!!!!! have to climb.. hahaha...
ok this is what i get...
hmmm... nothing special.. just wanna upload for fun.. =p hahaha... reach home around 11.30 d... send the picture to them... ^^ cause they still in macd...
ok.. i admit kinda lame la.. =p haha... going to mainstream now la... haha... tata...
Posted by
2:39 AM
Friday, March 21, 2008
hmm... few days ago.. on the 19th of march... in the afternoon... when i was having my piano class... elliot sms me and say he got through the halo audition.. than i called my bro kk.. all of us din get... :( quite disappointed... but nvm lo.. looking forward to astro...
at night, around 7.30.. sean told me 5 min before halo called him and say he got through... WOW!!! congrats him... than i realise my hp is not beside me and i went to took my phone... no miss call.. :( sad.. :( than i call my bro kk... so disappointed... cant get through.. he is also quite disappointed but ok la...
around 9.30, when i was talking to my bro kk... suddenly a call came in... OH MY GOD!!! IS HALO!!! haha... i called my bro to wait and i answered the call... OH GOSH!!! I GOT THROUGH!!! than i answerd back my bro's call... i told him i got through and he say now only him din get through.. he say don wanna talk to me d.. =p than not more than 1 min... some1 call him and he call me to wait... i got feeling he got through also.. and he answered back and say... "hahaha... I GOT TRHOUGH!!".. =p wow... he said chee yean also masuk.. HAPPY!! ^^
so on the 20th of march... we went to halo forest to ask more about the corse... and we heard.. FROM 1500 THEY ONLY CHOOSE 96 TO THE CORSE!!! OH GOSH!!! ok... i admit that i was a bit high d... =p i knock my head so many times to the wall... hahaha.. =p
today (21 march) i talk to my mom... she support me to do whatever i like... ^^ dam happy.. I LOVE MY MOM SO MUCH!!! MUAKZ... ^^ ok.. i promise to study well la.. =p cause my results not too bad.. =p but not good also la.. haha... just lazy.. =p
Posted by
8:56 AM
Monday, March 17, 2008
15th march - halo audition, 星光帮云顶演唱会
next.. interesting part.. write in chinese la.. =p
星光云顶演唱会终于到了,就在今天3月15日.. 好开心哦!!哈哈哈!! 搭lrt到terminal putra... 过后搭巴士,然后搭cable car... 讲到都好笑.. 那个人叫我们上前一辆cable car.. 我们不要,死都要4个人坐一辆!!结果,“中奖”,进到一辆有“大便”的cable car... elliot好可怜,怕高又臭.. 他说被骗了... 哈哈哈...
好啦,没什么好说的,到了那里,吃了晚餐我们就进场了。我买了一支萤光棒!!我们还买了番署和corn进去吃... =p
演唱会真的很棒!! 我爱死JUDY啦!!哈哈哈!! 看完演唱会后,我们才看到chaa wei和jessie那对姐妹花!!原来才坐在我们的下面... =p
演唱会还有丢海报,整场人都high到极点!!废话不多啦... post照片吧!!=p
in the shit cable car.. =p
cold la.. =p
in the theme park but not playing.. =p act stupid and act bline.. boring ma.. =p
the stage..
wahaha... JUDY SING AND DANCE AR!!! =p
from left... judy, duck, stanly, yoga, peter
Posted by
9:59 AM
ok... that time i was just playing for fun.. this photo now become so famous.. =.= thanks to chester, leo and miao miao.. =p
my presents.. ^^
Posted by
9:22 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
A HAPPY DAY! FOR ME!! but hard to satisfied everyone to be happy!!
hmm... on the 10th of march... it was an extremely happy day for me.. in the morning.. nothing much.. but mass com mid term had finished.. haha.. so quite happy..
hmm.. after class.. around 4 something... went to skin care with my mom.. after that... around 5.15... my ji mui yuen wah call.. and she asked me whether i receive any call.. haha... i say don have.. and u know what!!! haha... i mention the sticker photo competition in a blog... WE WON!!! hahaha.. but dunno which position.. the lady refused to tell... =p she told me we have to go to sg wang this saturday which is march 15... to take the prize... of course i agree... haha.. it was so UNBELIEVABLE!!!
after that... around 5.45... there is a number which is not in my list called me... i thought it was from the dreamworld... and i answered... the person asked.. "is this shing yiing (in mandarine)".. than of course i answered "yes"... he said he called from HALO!!! hahaha.. OH MY GOD!!! I WENT INTO 2nd round AUDITION!!! hahaha.. i was a bit out of my mind.. i even asked him "is it true??".. (a silly question).. he answer "ya.. if not why i call u.." hahaha...
ok i was tooo happy.. the audition falls on 15 of march also.. i was dam happy... 15 is my birthday and so many happy things happen.. i am going to watch XING GUANG BANG that nite too.. haha...
ok wait... but now.. i have to cancel my composing class... settle with the sg. wang sticker photo stuff.. audition.. and the time to go to genting..
ok i cancel my composing class d.. settled... but the sg wang i could not really settle.. and i think i made my friend a bit disappointed.. because i promised her 1st.. really sorry.. so i called dream world and told her we will go on next monday... feel so sorry..
saturday audition is coming... i still a bit worry.. but i hope i can perform well!!! ^^
Posted by
10:13 AM
performance in ioi mall (9/3)
ii) back stage
leo, keong, mei, mun, me, sean
me, mei, alicia
stupid face.. =p
the "ombak panas" group.. =p
Posted by
9:02 AM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
lunch with my ah kor kk.. =p
haha... today afternoon go and meet my ah kor.. he call me out for lunch... =p so "nan de".. so i must go... =p need to rush there so almost "accident".. din see the car coming... ish ish.. >.<
hmm... my ah kor belanja me.. haha.. he threat me very good de la.. =p (don fly ar.. =p)
wanna join dance class la... but dunno the time can match a not.. aikz... i REALLY wan ar!!!!!!
just chat with him about astro.. haha... astro singing competition coming... hehe.. must work hard d.. =p aikz... no offence... my ah kor and me really got the same "feeling" to work for our dreams...
nothing much to write.. but today chat with him too high liao.. until he pour the whole "kazat" drink.. =p is almond drink.. but i really cant stand the almond smell... ~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~
haha.. hope our dream can come true la... ^^
i wan learn DANCE!!!!!! =p
Posted by
6:26 AM
meet up with high school friends again.. ^^
yesterday(5/3)... went to red box with hui jing and yong tatt... hehe.. yong tatt came back from australia almost 1 month d... =p but than now only get to meet him... haha...
1st... need to draw a map and fax to yong tatt to come my house to fetch me.. haha... i just rush back from piano class.. than have to quickly bath... but he come sooo early.. =p so wait for me.. =p hahaha..
went to atm machine.. cause yong tatt wanna take money.. mana tahu.. the machine got prob.. aikz... jing have to rush from school... so he drop me to sunway redbox 1st... alone inside.. a bit sien and wierd.. haha... so i practise singing dulu.. =p hahaha...
ok... we sing sing sing.. nothing much to write... and take pic.. wahaha... don have pic now... later dulu... =p
after 9, i bring them to halo cafe and listen the cafe singer sings... haha.. the cafe singer is sooo funny... once we come in we laugh and laugh... than he talk to us and say we are too "outstanding"... hahaha... =p he say.. yong tatt very farmiliar... sure boh.. =p hahah....
during his break.. we go and talk to him... =p i asked him how to get into halo cafe as a cafe singer... haha... cause we are interested.... and also some of my singing friends... hehe... i wanna go and try out la.. >.< hmm... around 10.30 than we ciao d.. hehe... jing got competition for "loreal model search" this friday(7/3).. hope she can win!! hehe...
just have fun.. =p
ok... take pic.. =p
Posted by
5:10 AM
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
What a funny magazine.. =p
Posted by
12:46 AM
Monday, March 3, 2008
performance... performance... quiz... assignment... assignment...
ok... really cannot "breath" these few weeks... i just finish 2 quiz last week... and also audition...
just came back from practise with some FEEL members... a small performance audition is coming... so i have to play the keyboard for them... =p 1st time help ppl to play the accomplimant... scared... >.<
this sunday... is mainstream music school performance d.. i hope it will be good..
next monday... mass com mid term... and linear algebra assignment...
lucky mass com assignment due date had moved to other day... ^^
darn tired... got linear algebra tutorial i also forgot d... no energy to do d... gonna go sleep... nitez... ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
Posted by
7:41 AM
she kinda "gam dong"... sorry ar make u cry... we din forget is ur birthday la... but u have to let us main sikit de ma... =p we have to act like a professional actor and actress... professional actor and actress still can "cut"... we cannot "cut"... =p
HAPPY SWEET 16th o... hope our performance can be done well... and i really enjoy singing with u... ^^ hahaha....
keep it up o.. mei... muakz...
btw... the "tea" in wong kok... i really cannot stand.. haha... me, keong, mun, sean, mei & alicia... =p cannot finish.. is too big... haha... and everyone go toilet "boom".. hahaha... =p
Posted by
7:19 AM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
1) 今天,我去面试了... 当然是唱歌啦!!哈哈!!不能说是最好,但是我还蛮满意我自己的表现。唱歌我不比人特别,但是我很开心评审称赞我的台风很好。哈哈!!我哥说我很稳!!=p 一直以来我都喜欢唱慢歌,可是很多人说我比较适合唱快歌。我想我真的是比较适合走动感路线吧!!哈哈!!说实在我并没有真正学过舞蹈,所以评审叫我show时,我真的是说不会,都是在家自己乱跳!! 哇哈哈!! =p
2) 魔棋小孩演出的舞蹈已经排完了!!哈哈!!轻松多了!!=p
3) 星光帮演唱会,终于买到票了!!在我生日那天可以去看星光帮!!哈哈!!好开心叻!!=p 我要看周定纬跳舞!!哈哈!!林宥嘉唱<你是我的眼>... 哈哈... 期待... ^^
4) mission成功了一半... =p 继续加油!! =p
5) alicia 说我录音进步很多... 哈哈!!=p 要继续加油啦!!=p
6) 马老师说我创作还不错.. haha... 第一次自己写歌... 所以,给自己打55分啦!!=p 不过,有点高... 哈哈!! 如果专业人士看,我看fail了啦!=p 不过我对自己要求也蛮高的,所以自己也要加油啦!=p
Posted by
7:53 AM