Sunday, July 20, 2008


今天早上我和家人到巴生去吃bah kut teh.. =p 过后去了qi choeng gai走走!!买了2包麻芝给魔棋的朋友吃!!大概1.45左右我就到魔棋了!!

没什么好写的啦!!过后就照常练习咯!!大概4点我们就到bhp的后面那榴莲档去吃榴莲啦!!因为强说3粒10块还蛮便宜的!!哈哈!!我们就开了3粒咯!!大家都比较喜欢吃甜的,所以开了3粒我也不懂叫什么名的榴莲!!哈哈!!walao... 原来3粒10块是外面摆着的,我们的3粒44块!!哈哈!!怪不得啦!!那么好吃哪里可能会便宜!!

吃饱后就回魔棋练习咯!!给了一堆像clubbing还是disco的歌!!跳到都没力了!!哈哈!!可笑的是我们吃榴莲过后打嗝... 大家都懂会闻到“香”味啦!!哈哈!!

练习过后,我们大家就狂拍一场!!连新来的khai mei都和我们一起颠!! =p 哈哈!!写不到那么多啦!!就用照片代替我的文字吧!!哈哈!!

拍完后还去吃“pa”... 哇!!还真的很便宜又好吃!!但是我没有吃,因为感觉很热了!!哈哈!!我怕我叫chicken chop吃了过后明天没有声音了!!因为刚吃完榴莲!!=p

SMS eating durian.. =p

haha.. durian durian... =p

haha... mun, keong, chester, me and see mun


mainstream family


I love mainstream family..

pose??!! 选美!!??

yeah!! yo!!

chilling after practise..

what happen to us?? turn to lesbian gay??

wa... this pose.. i cant stand wei.. =p

dai kar jie... mun yee, khai mei, see mun, me


wa... keong flexible le.. =p

haha.. see mun also not bad.. =p

haha.. ok la.. playing around...

miao's leg?

haha.. my leg la.. =p

since when my leg got so many bulu?

chester on the phone?? nice pose huh.. =p

wa.. mun.. ur "leg" so geng ar.. =p

haha... not bad ar 4 of us.. =p

leo.. u look like... =p 乞丐帮!!=p

leo with mei's hair... keong with my hair.. they so pretty le... =p

look at me and mei.. =p

miao miao like china doll.. =p

look like flying a not?? =p mei and me acting silly.. =p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not around :(